A transport solution that saves lives

When the going gets tough, they are there – the disaster relief workers. One of their core tasks is to provide assistance in the event of major fires. To ensure that water gets to where it is urgently needed, quickly and efficiently, GK Grünenfelder is manufacturing 23 central axle trailers with a permanently installed water pressure pump for the rescue forces of the Swiss Armed Forces.

The first series of trailers, which are to modernise the Swiss Armed Forces’ operational equipment, will be delivered in June. “The production of a new vehicle is always exciting,” says Sascha Maier, Head of Defence and Special Projects at GK Grünenfelder. “Especially when, as in this case, the transport solution is to fulfil such an important mission – literally saving lives.” No matter how rough the terrain or how adverse the circumstances – the pressure pump trailer must be immediately ready for use and mobile in an emergency. “Thanks to our many years of experience, we know how important reliable and safe operational equipment is for civilian and military forces,” says Maier.

Thanks to our many years of experience, we know how important reliable and safe equipment is for civilian and military forces. Sascha Maier, Head of Defence and Special Projects
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